19 May 2011

Getting ahead of myself

So I had a cool idea, which you guys have probably thought of too. If the mechanics and style of the game are gonna be simple I think it'd be cool to add a customization element to things. It'd give us more stuff that we'd get to concept and model and also make the game more satisfying to play in the long run.

And I know this is really kinda jumping ahead of things but I figured I should pitch the idea before I forgot about it o.O

Anyway I was thinking we could try and do a crafting type thing where if you kill a bunch of enemies and gather loot from them you could craft weapons and armor that had a stylistic connection to the location (aka gathering loot from graveyard mobs and bosses would get you weapons and armor that followed a bones, death and skull theme)

These armor sets could give stat boosts, or be completely aesthetic, but I think it would be a fun thing for the player to work towards :D and it would help them further define their base character as "their character" especially if the started mismatching sets to get a certain look.

And if we ever decided to try and publish this thing on a browser or an iphone or something it'd do wonders for getting people to play the game and keep playing.

Again I know this is really kinda getting ahead of what we're currently up to though o.O

Oh and just as a side not with the artist descriptions on the side, seeing as you two have your Internet personas on there you could go ahead and put Xelan101 on mine, I use it for like everything :D


  1. I really like the whole loot factor, armor customization, and creation side of the game, and you're right, it does give the player something to sort of achieve in the long run and keeps them playing.

    The whole thing with the armor being attributed to a certain area is really cool too, and the armor could have benefits versus certain monsters/areas. ie, bone armor makes you more resistant to the undead, etc. etc..

    I'll put in your nickname!

  2. Id say check into the Monster Hunter series. It's all about gathering craftable drops to build your armor sets with attributes. The set bonuses once reaching certain counts gives you different types of stat boosts to make it easier to fight the different types of bosses.
